>pocketbook 2002
A New York story published by Trade Marc using Florent (Tibor designed) matchbooks.
edition undetermined
bible by robert the $275 (who is this Robert?)
Artwork by: Ju$t Another Rich Kid and Tobias Wong
Indulgences (detail), 2005
Solid gold objects, remote control car dipped in gold, and clear capsules filled with gold leaf
Photo: Koji Yano
Courtesy the artist and Koji Yano
All Rights Reserved
>disposable lighters 2003
Mini dispoable lighters permanently fixed with genuine fine sable mink, lynx, and silver fox furs.
>money pad 2000 peel as you go
100 real american singles bound with peelable notepad glue and cardboard backing.
edition of 100 - upon request through
PARACONCEPTUALAn interview with New York designer...core77.com :
Much of Tobi Wong's work plays between concept and beauty, exposing the similarities between art and design rather than blurring their boundaries. Unlike purely conceptual work - which often lacks a real appreciation for beauty, aesthetics, and a desire for consumption - his work often finds expression in real objects. He's coined the term Paraconceptual to describe it: "Of, relating to, or being conceptual."
read full interview at