Tuesday, December 04, 2007

studio ilse

clipped from www.designboom.com
'matsalen' - dining restaurant
'matbaren' - fast food bar

the european hotel design awards were held on november 14th in london. studio ilse has sent us
pictures of their winning entry in the 'best hotel restaurant design' category. the restaurant is divided
into two parts, matsalen & matbaren, both located in the grand hotel stockholm in sweden.
the restaurant's design was inspired by the food philosophy of the restaurant's chef, mathias dahlgren.
the designers aimed to merge the local and global to create a new swedish identity through their design.
matbaren is a slower dining experience, while matsalen is a fast paced food bar. the two parts both
feature a very eclectic mix of furniture ranging from contemporary to traditional, creating the unique

swedish look the designers were after.
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